Take a look at the images below to learn about PokerCraft’s powerful and easy-to-use features.


Get all the information about your experience in one glance, and leave posts you wish to remember and share with your friends!

Player Stats & Notes

Search players and view their statistics by game, and edit notes and labels.

Game Tabs

Each tab displays cumulative statistics for your game history in the respective game type including your Play Style, Luck, and more.

Play Style

Determines your character at the table based on your style of play to date

Luck Rating

A rating of your luck based on the outcome of hands played

Best & Worst Hand

Displays your least/most profitable starting hands to date


Shows your least/most profitable positions at the tables

Hold’em / Omaha / Rush & Cash – Game History

The Game History tab allows you to view details about every hand in the game session you select to view. You will be able to analyze or export any hand as a Hand Moment to share on social media.

Play Style

Determines your character at the table based on your style of play to date

Luck Rating

A rating of your luck based on the outcome of hands played

Best & Worst Hand

Displays your least/most profitable starting hands to date


Shows your least/most profitable positions at the tables

Hold’em / Omaha / Rush & Cash – Win/Loss

The Win/Loss tab displays your profit and loss over time while the graph shows the expected value of the hands you’ve played.

X-Axis Hands played Y-Axis Profit/Loss

Win/Loss Line Graph
The red line displays your actual profit and loss while the EV line shows the statistical value over the same range of hands for comparison.

Hold’em / Omaha / Rush & Cash – Win/Loss

The Hole Cards tab shows a matrix of all combinations and provides you with the total net earnings for each hand you’ve played.

Hole Cards Chart

Displays your total net earnings with every possible combination of hole cards

Example – A3o (Off-Suit)
Let’s take a look at A3o to illustrate how to use the chart.

The color blue will indicate a net profit.
For every time we held A3 off-suit as our hole cards, we have made a total net profit of $270.56.

Hold’em / Omaha / Rush & Cash – Position

The Position tab displays your net earnings from each seat at the table allowing you to easily see your strongest positions.

Position Tab
This tab shows your net earnings from each position on the table.

Earnings in green indicate profit while those in red indicate a net loss.

Info for a given Position

Winloss – Your total earnings (i.e. Button – $6.79 loss)
Flop % – The % of times you saw the flop.
Showdown – The number of times you played a hand until showdown (i.e. Button – twice)

Hold’em & Omaha – Opponents

The Opponents tab displays your net earnings against opponents from the selected session to view. Red bars to the left indicate loss while blue bars to the right indicate profit.

X-Axis Total Net Earnings Y-Axis Opponent ID

Opponents (Profit)
The blue bars show your net profit against the opponents you have profited from most.

Opponents (Loss)
The red bars show your net losses against your opponents.

All-In or Fold

The All-In or Fold tab displays your overall stats at the All-In or Fold game.

All-In Percentage

The percentage of hands where you pushed all-in.

Average Luck

An analysis of how lucky you are relative to the theoretical outcomes of hands played.

Best & Worst Hand

Displays your overall least/most profitable starting hands.


Shows which table position is the least/most profitable for you.

Hand Moments

Every hand in your poker journey can be accessed and exported as a Hand Moment through PokerCraft. Hand Moments capture all the exitement of a hand in a single image that can be easily uploaded to social media.